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Oct 22, 2020

Alan Mindell notes that the characters in his books lead more interesting lives than his own, but he has a lot of projects and activity in his reinvented life. He is a published author of two books, with a third book on the way in November 2020. Alan has been a runner for years and now he has multiple gold medals from the Senior Olympics to show for it. He also gives group tours in San Diego, speaks about life at 70, and teaches creative writing.

Quote: Never give up, keep trying. Good things can and will happen if you persevere.


Books by Alan Mindell: Book list

San Diego Senior Olympics: Senior Games

You can contact Alan Mindell on his website: Contact

Sunberry Press

Special thanks to Bokuwa and Wizzie2K for their use of "Will U Stay With Me?" at the open and close of the episode.